Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS): The DepEd Learning Portal

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47 Responses

  1. rita calata remigio says:

    Can i apply to be a member

  2. i want to register.

  3. Mary Grace Pugahan says:

    I want to register

  4. Kei-Gie says:

    ngregister na ko kaso wlang activation link., issend dw sa email ko., unfortunately., wla pa din.,

    • admin says:

      Try mo i-click yung “Gey Your Activation Link” sa upper right corner ng webpage window. Keep doing so until you get your link.

  5. Leo says:

    I cannot get my activation link in my account

    • admin says:

      Click on “Get Your Activation Link” on the upper right corner of the homepage until you receive an activation link. If that one still fails, contact the site administrator.

  6. Gemma says:

    Tnx to lrmds

  7. Jovelynbaja says:

    Got a problem in registering…little help please….

  8. zy says:

    do I need the deped email to download the modules?

    • admin says:

      You need to be logged on, therefore a registered user, to be able to download the modules. That was the case the last time I used the site, which was a year ago.

  9. jovynac says:

    why do i have invalid credentials when i attempt to login

  10. RAYMOND L. LORBES says:

    why cant I access the curriculum guide in arts for gr. 5 even if I am already a member?

  11. jovie says:

    It keeps on saying..invalid credentials. are there de activation in our registration if we re not frequently visit the site?

  12. christine says:

    Good day admin. I have been a member of LRMDS and downloaded materials for my classroom use, just recently, i tried to login but i alway have, “Invalid Credentials”. What might be the problem why I am seeing this message on the login portal? Please help me… quite frustrated… thanks.

  13. Tere says:

    i cannot download some of the tg, activity sheets..it says, “unauthorized”… how can I be “authorized the ones that i need example General biology I…thank u

  14. erecka sadia says:

    how can i create, post or share my own materilas

  15. Lucita Tero Curapao says:

    di po ako maka log in kasi “invalid credentials po ang lumalabas.Ano po gagawin ko?

  16. francis says:

    bakit ayaw ako maka view or download?

  17. WILDA T. HERMIAS says:

    i want to be a member

  18. My account was disabled. What should I do?

  19. Babylin A. Cantos says:

    Good morning po..Di po aq mkalog in disabled po lumalabas..

  20. maricel says:

    im already a member but i cant download the resources

  21. maricel says:

    im already a member but i cant download the resources. how will i download the resources?

  22. maria lourdes abucejo says:

    good morning. pano po ba mag check ng email pra ma activate yung accoun?

  23. Karen says:

    Why I can’t open/access the other materials/content in ldrms? Like it says “Ooops.. Sorry!, You are not authorized to access this content.”

    Is there any special membership here in ldrms?

    • admin says:

      Hi, Karen. I don’t know what’s going on, but many people have been experiencing this problem since 2016. The same goes for the DOST Courseware for Math and Science. It seems the transition to the new administration has not been smooth; the DOST Courseware was a very promising initiative that seems to have stalled. You could try accessing through the LRMDS portals of local DepEd units, like the DepEd Manila LRMDS portal

    • admin says:

      Here is another local LRMDS portal Malaybalay LRMDS portal . No login necessary.

  24. hi admin, I have registered already my deped email to lrmds unfortunately I didn’t receive any activation link..I have tried also resending the activation link but it says account does not need an activation..what should I do?

  25. desaijane says:

    pls. help how to download the file from LRMDS site

  26. Manuel C. Baaco says:

    LRMDS is very important to all teachers.

    • admin says:

      That is correct, sir. I’m grateful for the free access to students, parents, and teachers. I hope that they update it more often and that the new modules will be available soon.

  27. sam says:

    why do i receive error notification like:
    deped learning portal oooops sorry you are not authorized to access this content… to some of the links from the resources?

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