Pizza box solar oven: A homeschool science project
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Pizza boxes are one of the most versatile objects you can use for a homeschool project. Pizza boxes are ideal for lapbooking, teaching fractions, making puzzles, creating decorative and functional art, etc. When the last slice of the pizza has been eaten, don’t throw out the pizza box. Clean it and store it for future use, or make this simple pizza box solar oven.

Pizza Box Solar Oven, materials
Pizza box (preferably Large or Family size)
Aluminum foil
Clear plastic book cover or plastic wrap/cling film
Black construction or art paper
Adhesive tape
Box cutter
- Draw a square on the lid of the pizza box. The square should be about 1-1/2-2 inches from the edges of the lid.
Draw a square on the lid. (Pizza box solar oven)
- Cut along the three sides of the square, leaving out the side that is attached to the rest of the box. Fold the flap out along the uncut side.
Cut along three sides of the lid. (Pizza box solar oven)
- Line the bottom of the box with black construction paper. The black paper will absorb the heat from the sun and from the rays reflected by the aluminum foil.
Line the bottom of the box with black construction paper. (Pizza box solar oven)
- Cover the inside of the flap with aluminum foil. Apply the aluminum foil as smoothly as possible. The aluminum foil will reflect the rays of the sun.
Cover the inside of the flap with aluminum foil. (Pizza box solar oven)
- Measure and cut a piece of clear plastic book cover or cling wrap to cover the opening that you had made from cutting the pizza box lid. Tape the plastic cover/cling wrap from the inside of the box. The clear plastic will trap the heat inside the pizza box solar oven.
Cover the opening with clear plastic wrap. (Pizza box solar oven)
- Use a barbecue skewer to hold the flap up at an angle.
Use a barbecue skewer to hold up the flap at an angle. (Pizza box solar oven)
- Place the food you intend to cook, like marshmallows, hotdogs, or cheese slices on bread, on an aluminum-lined paper plate. Put the plate inside the pizza box solar oven box. Leave the oven outside and wait for the sun to work its magic.
Place the food on an aluminum lined paper plate. (Pizza box solar oven)