Math cheat sheets and science reviewers for science high school entrance exams
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As a review material, textbooks can be quite daunting for students preparing for science high school entrance tests. A student will have to scan through the entire book, skipping paragraphs and examples, to get to the key points and formulas. Some make their own “reviewers,” by skimming and scanning through textbooks and notes, then writing down important facts and formulas as they go. It’s a useful review strategy but can be time-consuming, especially when there’s plenty of school work that demands the student’s time and attention. In time-crunch situations like this, math cheat sheets and science reviewers may be useful.
Like reviewers, “cheat sheets” are notes that are intended to help as a quick reference and memory aid for a specific subject. Reviewers or cheat sheets are most commonly used for test preparation. Students can refer to them easily when they need a quick review of facts or formulas.
Fortunately there are math cheat sheets and science reviewers readily available on the Internet which can be downloaded and printed, if the student desires. Personally, I prefer to print them out. I find it easier to flip through physical pages than digital ones.
The following are math cheats that students can use to prepare for science high school entrance exams:

Hardin Middle School Math Cheat Sheets – The definitive math cheat sheet for students up to 7th Grade. It has a table of contents, a multiplication table, metric conversion mnemonics, a geometry formula chart, and a math vocabulary list. This 64-page cheat sheet covers elementary math topics from divisibility rules, to ratios, rates and proportions, and word problems.
Ms. Wilcek’s Class – Math Cheat Sheets – This collection of cheat sheets is basically just the Hardin Middle School Math Cheat Sheets sectioned into concepts/topics. Useful for those who only want cheat sheets on specific topics.
Indiana University South Bend – Basic Math Review – As its name implies, this cheat sheet deals with just the basics, which is adequate for most needs.

Three out of the four sites below provide science resources and review packets for standardized tests given to 8th graders by the state education departments in Texas and New York. These resources cover about 70 percent of sixth grade science (due to curriculum spiraling) and may be useful for students preparing for science high school tests in the Philippines.

Mrs. Carey’s Science Notes – Bay Trade Middle School – Mrs. Carey is the science teacher for 6th Grade at Bay Trail Middle School in Penfield, New York. Her science resources cover Geology, Astronomy, Weather Systems, and the Scientific Method.

Mr. Hoggard’s 8th Grade Science Class – Mr. Hoggard teaches science to 8th and 9th graders at the Lopez Middle School in San Antonio, Texas. On his site you’ll find review resources for the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) Science Exam. Available are links to YouTube tutorials for Texas STAAR Science test and review packets for Matter and Energy; Force, Motion, and Energy; Earth and Science; and Organisms and Environment.

Mrs. Niles – 7th Grade Science Printable Packets and 8th Grade Science Class Printable Packets – Mrs. Niles is the science teacher for the 7th and 8th Grades at the West Babylon Junior High School, New York. Concepts covered include the Animals, Classification of Living Things, Human Body Systems, Earth’s Atmosphere, Weather and Climate, and Natural Hazards.

Mr. Ryan Burns – 8th Grade Science Resources – Mr. Burns is the 8th Grade science teacher at the New Paltz Middle School, New York. Here you’ll find sample science exams covering Living Systems, Human Systems, Weather and Climate, Astronomy, Matter and Energy, and many more.

7th Grade Science Final Exam Review Packet 2014-2015 – A 34-page review packet for 7th Grade Science made available by the White Plains Public Schools in New York.