Abstract reasoning tests practice worksheets
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Abstract reasoning tests, also known as diagrammatic reasoning tests, are a series of pictorial or diagrammatic questions that use very little or no words or numbers. These tests are invariably included in high school and college entrance exams, as well as employment aptitude tests, in the Philippines.
Abstract reasoning tests assess a person’s ability to think logically and solve complex problems using inductive and deductive reasoning skills. Unlike language and mathematical aptitude tests, abstract reasoning tests are independent of prior knowledge and are least likely to discriminate against a test taker’s socio-economic and cultural background.
In general, abstract reasoning tests involve a sequence or pattern of diagrams or drawings that share a common feature or are governed by an “underlying rule” or “relationship.” The test-taker must figure that “common feature” or “governing rule” and apply it in order to choose the correct option among multiple choices. The tests must be answered within a specified time limit, so it’s important to be able to quickly spot this common rule.

Some tests require transformations of shapes to complete a pattern, while others may involve identifying features in common to complete a series. Some problems may require reversing a sequence of shapes or patterns, adding or dropping a shape or feature, and so on.
As with most tests, practice makes perfect. Adequate practice helps a test-taker quickly identify the one rule that is applied to a series of shapes or patterns. This Wiki-How article explains strategies for passing an abstract reasoning test.
I highly recommend the YouTube videos of Ms Leonalyn Tayone where she explains how to solve different types of abstract reasoning questions. Her YouTube channel also teaches test takers how to solve math problems typically encountered in civil service examinations.
Here are links to abstract reasoning practice worksheets you can download:
Free abstract reasoning tests questions and answers from Practice Aptitude Tests
Free abstract reasoning tests from WikiJobUK
Free abstract reasoning tests with explanations for the correct answers from How2Become
Non-verbal reasoning tests from MathCentre UK :
Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Test 1 question sheet and answers with explanation
Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Test 2 question sheet and answers with explanation